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JG Stewart Construction

Our Dominican Project

Kingsview Sponsorship Program

A not for profit organization primarily known for their sponsorship program in the Dominican Republic for children, orphans, widows, and university students. They also run food program, partner with an orphanage, and take mission teams to serve in the Dominican.

JG Stewart Construction strives to fulfill one of their core values through helping poor children, widows, and orphans in the Dominican Republic.

“We deeply believe in being community minded and giving to the poor, hungry and lost.”

- J.G. Stewart Construction Core Value

J.G. Mission Teams

Some of J.G. Stewart Construction Employees were part of a team in 2010 that helped build a church in Esperanza, Dominican Republic. Wow was it hot. The weather was above 40 degrees. All the tools and building materials were shipped from Ontario Canada in shipping containers. We made connections with people that will never be forgotten. We were pleased to go back in 2011 and 2012 to meet with some of our sponsor children, visit an orphanage and schools, and help those in need.

OSSGA Interview - "Crushing Rock & Giving Back"

John Stewart is president at J.G. Stewart Construction Ltd., a leader in the crushing, washing and screening business. He spoke to the OSSGA (Ontario Stone Sand & Gravel Association) in 2013 about his career choice, corporate social responsibility, and his company’s involvement with an innovative sponsorship program...